Attention: Business Owners Looking to Make More and Work Less ...

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Get The High-Income Systems That Over 250 Of My Millionaire Clients Have Used To Build 7, 8, and 9-Figure Empires
... (Without Working Their Lives Away)

Get Immediate Access to my Business Growth Systems 
When You Test Drive the Millionaire Mentorship...

PLUS Get Weekly Live Coaching Sessions with me, The "Millionaire Maker," Craig Ballantyne

Introducing the Missing Link From Your Millionaire Roadmap…

Dear Entrepreneur, 

You work long hours and deserve more. 

You’re so close to breaking through but you know you just need a blueprint…

So that you can make more and work less.

Good news… The treasure map you’ve been looking for is now available… 

And it comes with a FREE $5,000 coaching package that will give you the step-by-step roadmap to achieving your big goals and dreams…

If you read on below, you’ll also learn how to apply my "Core Four" Millionaire Systems in your business so that you make money faster and work fewer hours.

Introducing the Ultimate Millionaire Mentorship

Inside the Millionaire Mentorship, you’ll work with me, Craig “The Millionaire Maker” Ballantyne and my team of coaches.

This is the exact 7-figure business blueprint that has turned broke gym teachers, single moms, nursing students, and even pot-smoking 20-year olds into millionaire entrepreneurs…

(And even helped some of them sell their companies for $100 million or more)

Inside this new Millionaire Mentorship…

You’ll get immediate access to my $5,000 "Get Rich Roadmap" coaching program that I've delivered to hundreds of entrepreneurs in New York, Vegas, London, Toronto, South Africa, and Australia...

You’ll get to join me on weekly coaching calls where you can ask all your business questions and get customized solutions from me.

You’ll get instant access to the four High-Income Skills Training in our Millionaire Starter Pack ($997 value).

You’ll be given our Millionaire Productivity Systems and Cheat Codes to triple your effectiveness and get done work faster.

Plus, you’ll get one NEW epic training every month where we’ll do a deep dive into skills & systems that are guaranteed to help you make money faster.
And finally, you’ll get additional free bonus access a $2000 weekly coaching program where me and my guest experts friends will teach you the latest techniques for using YouTube, Instagram, email newsletters, and more to generate fast cash.

I’ll even teach you how to write a book fast, master your morning routine, and turn your crazy chaotic calendar into a cash machine.
And you’ll get these extras free as part of your bonus package for trying out the Millionaire Mentorship.

The total value of the Millionaire Mentorship is well over $12,500… but you’ll get it practically free when you test drive the mentorship today.

Why would I do this?
Well, I’m tired of people like you working so hard only to see your income get eaten up by rising gas prices, rents, and the skyrocketing increases in every day costs of living.

Inside this new Millionaire Mentorship…

You'll get access to my exclusive "Core Four" Millionaire Skills and Habits training, including...

  • #1 - Millionaire Money Making High income Skills that will magically make you money faster than any hustle & grind program
  • #2 – Our Relentless Millionaire Mindset to keep you going through tough times and will help you finally follow through, stop procrastinating, and build unstoppable confidence
  • #3 – My Millionaire Methods (Systems) that make your 7-figure business run like a well oiled machine while removing a ton of work form your plate
  • #4 – Our High-Performance Millionaire Management of people and profits so that you stop working so much and starting keeping a lot more of the money that your business makes

Here’s How to Use the Millionaire Mentorship…

Once inside the private member’s area…

You’ll get exclusive access to a personal welcome video…

Explaining how to get started

In the Mentorship I’ll also walk you through exactly what I did to build my first 7-figure business.

And show you case studies of how busy parents did the same using the exact tools you’ll receive in the Mentorship

But this is NOT just another course…

Inside your mentorship you’ll get access to hot seats, lots of QnA with me, Craig Ballantyne, The Millionaire Maker…

So that you’ll get ALL of your questions answered.

My coaching calls usually cost $5,000 per hour and are reserve for CEO’s of multi-million dollar companies… and I have coached thousands of clients from all over the world…

But if you show up to the bonus Millionaire Mentorship QnA sessions, you’ll be able to get access to personal coaching from me for free.

The Millionaire Mentorship is essential for new business owners, anyone thinking of starting a side hustle, or if you just need custom guidance to get UN-stuck from a money making plateau in your business.

You’ll learn exactly what to do right now so that you can accelerate your results and make more money - without putting in more hours. 

When I taught this blueprint to busy mom Isabel Price, she went from broke (her husband paid for her coaching back then) to making over a million dollars in just 15 months. 

And I can’t wait for you to take the steps to 7-Figures and become my next success story

But there’s so much more, so let me explain…
"Craig's coaching is a game changer. One breakthrough gave me $750K in new income. Do whatever you have to in order to get Craig's mentorship!
- Bedros Keuilian, CEO of five 8-figure companies
"Thank you so much for helping me re-organize my life. You really helped transform the way I think about my life and my day. Now I run my 8-figure business and am done by 2pm every day." - Shanda Sumpter
"Craig's Millionaire Mentorship gave me the clarity and focus on what I needed to do with my business.
- Greg O'Gallagher, CEO, Kinobody
"Craig helped me triple my business from $3 million to $10 million in just 12 months.
- Boris Enzel

Here's Everything You'll Get:


Do you write text messages? Do you send emails? Have you ever put content on a web page? Sent out a flyer or postcard? Written a video script? Made a Facebook post?

If you answered yes to any of these, then you need to develop the high-income skill of copywriting.

Better known as “Salesmanship in Print”, adding good copywriting to your business is the easiest way to make more money fast.

You can fix existing web pages… make your offers more appealing… get more people to open your emails… and even persuade your suppliers and vendors to give you a better deal.

Copywriting is the #1 way I’ve made my money over the past 25 years.
And it’s the top way that my students have gotten rich too.

Take my client Joel Marion for example…

When he came to me he was a broke high-school teacher making only $42,000 per year.

Within 6 months of coaching Joel and helping him with his copywriting, he was able to sell his first product online and do a $300,000 launch in just 7 days. 

Copywriting changed his life.

In fact, you’re reading my copywriting right now…

And it’s doing the job of persuading you to take action on your dreams, invest in yourself, and earn the income you deserve.

I was once a broke personal trainer before learning copywriting…

Today I’ve build multiple 7-figure businesses with copywriting…

This easy-to-learn skill even helped me find the love of life…

And it quickly helped persuade her to become my wife! 

Just imagine how much money and wealth copywriting can bring you! 


I was terrified of one-on-one selling. It held back my income for years.

Until I discovered the secret of sales without selling.
All the sales greats, from Zig Ziglar to Harry Browne to Lisa Sasovitch use this method, and my mentors helped me custom build a sales solution system that you can use today.

You’ll overcome your sales “hang-ups”, and when combined with the Millionaire Mindset you’ll unleash your ability to attract money and unlock your unlimited earning potential.

This might be the most important training for the entrepreneur that lacks the confidence to close big deals… 

It could be the missing link that makes the difference between you earning “good money” and “life of your dreams” money.

Don’t let your sales skills hold you back… you’re just one training away from big ticket income.


This program needs no introduction…

It’s helped thousands of busy men and women with small social media followings to make thousands of dollars - oftentimes overnight.

Years ago I noticed a huge mistake that everyone was making on social media (even the top influencers were guilty).

I used my high income skills to invent a new way of selling on social media.

This unlocked millions of dollars of value for my clients, like Dr Drew Jamieson from Vancouver, Canada.

He makes thousands of dollars per month and that funds his 6 vacations per year to exotic places like Dubai, Argentina, Tulum, etc. 

The Social Story Selling program is also responsible for making me over $2.1 million in the first 17 months of creating the program. 

And it even works for people that have been scared to use social media.


This is my best selling productivity program… and I’m living proof that a simple morning routine can turn you into a millionaire.

The good news is that you don’t have to do long morning routines, jump into cold water, or even drink nasty green juices.

You can avoid all that with the Millionaire Morning Routine.

I’ll teach you how to get focused, stay focused, and crush every morning.

My friend Mike Zeller used the Millionaire Morning Routine to write and launch his best-selling book.

My friend and client Bedros Keuilian went from lazy, undisciplined, and anxious to crushing his to-do list before 10am every day… and now operates three 8-figure businesses before lunchtime. 

This is a MUST-HAVE resource for every high performer. 

It will save you hundreds of hours every year… and will pay for the Millionaire Starter Pack many times over.


If you’re on the verge of 7-figures…

And you have team members to manage…

This is the MOST IMPORTANT training of them all.

In fact, this alone could make you a millionaire many times over.

When I shared the “War Room Meeting” idea with Peter Kell, he sent me an email 24-hours later and said, “You’ve already made me $5,500. This is a game changer.”

Peter’s gone on to make millions with this info.

There are 4 meetings you must be doing with your team if you want to scale.

My mentor, Matt Smith, the CEO of a company he built up to $250 million per year, shared with me everything in this course…

That turned me from a meak, introverted business owner into a powerful leader that runs a high-performing team of superstars in all my companies. 

If you want to leverage the power of other people in your company, get everyone on the same page, and build a well-oiled money-making machine, this training course is a must watch ASAP.


If your mindset is holding you back from making money…

If you suffer from scarcity and self-sabotage every time you start to have success…

Or if you just need an extra EDGE to get to the next level of income…

Then this training will change your life.

If your mindset is holding you back from making money…

If you suffer from scarcity and self-sabotage every time you start to have success…
Or if you just need an extra EDGE to get to the next level of income…

Then this training will change your life.

You will upgrade your inner success software, and bust any millionaire myths holding you back

So you finally get the Income results you deserve. 

This is essential if you are working hard but not getting the money results you desire.

Craig, I’ve been using the Millionaire Mindset training daily… and have hit $50K after just 4 days.” - DJT

Just imagine what doing this for 30 days can do for you!


This is the ULTIMATE guide to making more money from less work.

If your business is making even $5,000 per year, you’ll get insane value from the step-by-step and Done-FOR-You tools inside the Profit Maximizer.

Imagine a tool box filled with tools that - instead of tightening screws - release a flood of cash money into your bank account.

We’ll show you exactly what to say to raise your prices (without pushback)... to get referrals… to create high-ticket offers and bundles… and to partner with other local or online businesses and have them send you their customers for FREE.

You’ll get my exact 5-email sequence that brought in $85,000 in sales for Erik and Amy Ledin, two small business owners.

Put these plug-n-play tools today and generate an immediate return-on-your-investment from the Millionaire Starter Pack program. It’s like a complete Playbook for making money every day.


This is the ULTIMATE guide to making more money from less work.

If your business is making even $5,000 per year, you’ll get insane value from the step-by-step and Done-FOR-You tools inside the Profit Maximizer.

Imagine a tool box filled with tools that - instead of tightening screws - release a flood of cash money into your bank account.

We’ll show you exactly what to say to raise your prices (without pushback)... to get referrals… to create high-ticket offers and bundles… and to partner with other local or online businesses and have them send you their customers for FREE.

You’ll get my exact 5-email sequence that brought in $85,000 in sales for Erik and Amy Ledin, two small business owners.

Put these plug-n-play tools today and generate an immediate return-on-your-investment from the Millionaire Starter Pack program. It’s like a complete Playbook for making money every day.


“Okay great, now I’ve got my morning dialed in… but what do I do with the rest of the day?”

That was the question I heard over and over again from entrepreneurs that doubled and tripled their incomes with the Millionaire Morning Routine.

Unfortunately, they still had a missing link.

And I had to help them get to the next level and take back control of their days.

So I went through every system I use to stay productive all day long… even when traveling and on the road for meetings and seminars… and how to turn a couple of hours on the weekend into 2 extra days of productivity - all without sacrificing family time.

This is the leverage system that all my high-performing clients have used to squeeze more juice of the day.

For example, when our client Bob Ferguson joined our coaching, he was finally able to become consistently productive… and that led to consistent revenue growth and $300,000 months for 8 straight months… and a record $3 million in revenue for the year.

All thanks to his Millionaire Productivity habits.


I’ve never, ever given away this as a bonus. 

But when I was putting together the Millionaire Starter Pack… and reading the success stories of the 250+ clients that had gone on to become 7-figure earners… one thing stood out.

Nearly every single millionaire attributed the “Turning Point” in their financial lives to THIS event. 

Men like Joel Marion who sold their business for 9-figures…

Leaders like Bedros Keuilian who has built a $200 million empire…

High status celebrities like Jason Capital, Shanda Sumpter, Sharran Srivatsaa, Joe Polish, & others…

All attended the Perfect Life Workshop Live…

And while the pandemic put a stop to these events…

I was able to record every single session on camera so that you could experience the same life changing breakthroughs as these famous entrepreneurs…

You'll walk away with absolute clarity on how to get EXACTLY what you want in your personal and professional life... 

and you’ll have a precise 90-day blueprint in place so you get faster results while working less (and perhaps even taking Friday's off like some of my top clients do each week).

But this isn’t just for influencers with 1 million followers…

This is the event that changed Tim Cels life and helped him go from overworked and underpaid sales manager at a car dealership...

... To living the laptop lifestyle and building his dream business.

I’ll never, ever be giving this away again… 

So take advantage of this once in a lifetime opportunity to get access to the Perfect Life Workshop today.
But wait, there’s one more bonus for you…
Your Free "Mentorship" KickStart Call
Typically reserved for private clients, you'll get a one-time opportunity to book a complimentary Millionaire Mentorship call with our coaching team. 

They will pinpoint your exact bottleneck and give you a detailed blueprint for getting on the fast track to success.

The Bottom Line:

The Millionaire Mentorship has been the missing link on your road to millions.
And that’s why I created this system to get you results faster and easier.

Here’s everything you’ll get when you say YES! to the Mentorship today:
Private Coaching Workshop .............................................................................($5,000 Value)
Millionaire Starter Pack Training.........................................................................($997 Value)
7-Figure Copywriting System ..............................................................................($997 Value) 
High Ticket Sales Scripts to “Sell Without Selling” ..................................($497 Value)
Millionaire Mindset Training....................................................................................($197 Value)
Profit Maximizer Blueprint......................................................................................($597 Value)
Social Story Selling System....................................................................................($497 Value)
Effortless Discipline System...................................................................................($997 Value)
Millionaire Productivity Pack..................................................................................($197 Value)
Millionaire Management Systems......................................................................($397 Value)
BONUS! Weekly $30K-in-50 Days Training Calls.....................................($1,997 Value)
BONUS! Weekly Coaching Calls with Craig..............................................($4,997 Value)
BONUS! Mentorship Kickstart Call.....................................................................($997 Value)

Total Value: Over $12,997

So, What's The Catch...?
Why would I risk ticking off my highest level coaching clients and giving you access to this incredible coaching program for free?

Well, there are actually a few reasons...
  • 1. I’m Giving Back: I didn’t want to tell anyone… but I’m turning 50 this year, and I’ve lived a dream life… From broke farm boy to financially free… and I want to give back more than ever… This is my thank you to YOU for all your support over the years. I’m truly grateful… and I want to give you the same opportunity that came to me after I invested in my first mentor. I wanted to give you something super SPECIAL… and the Mentorship is it.
  • 2. You Deserve It: You work too and you’ve come so far… I know you’re just ONE idea away from breaking through to the Millionaire Level. It’s time for you to stop suffering in silence on lonely entrepreneur island and get to the next level in life by finding your tribe. You deserve financial freedom NOW! 
  • 3. My Selfish Secret: Nothing makes me happier in life than seeing people succeed. Whether it’s my 2-year old daughter learning all the planets or hearing about clients like Jason Capital making $1 million per month, or beginner clients making their first sale… I get a RUSH when I see people succeed… and so selfishly, I want to hear YOUR success story.
This is why I’m giving you this special opportunity and personal invite to join the Millionaire Mentorship and get the missing link on your road to millions.
But ONE Word of Warning!
Today you have a problem. You aren’t making the money you deserve.

Today you also have the greatest motivation you will ever have to FIX this problem and replace your struggling business with a proven success blueprint.

If you don’t take action NOW, then two bad things will happen
First, your big problems will only get BIGGER. (They won’t go away!)
Second, you’ll wake up tomorrow with less motivation to change.

Every day you wait, hesitate, or procrastinate…

Your problems will get bigger…

And your motivation will get smaller.

Then one day… you’ll become a statistic. 

Just another one of the 95% of businesses that fail.

But YOU are NOT that type of person (a quitter).

Which means there is only one thing left to do…

Take advantage of the Mentorship offer today…

But now I must WARN you…

The special Charter Member Mentorship investment of just $97 per month is available for the first 100 members only.

Once we hit 100 members, then the price will increase to $147 per month overnight.

So if you don't lock in your membership NOW while this specialoffer is live... you may NEVER get this offer again.

Don’t let this once in a lifetime chance for Millionaire Mentorship slip through your fingers and vanish today.

Success loves speed and delay kills dreams.

Get started today.
"But do you have a guarantee?"
You Bet. In Fact, I Have 
 A Crazy  Guarantee For You

30-Day Money Back Guarantee

We 100% guarantee you'll love the Millionaire Mentorship or we'll give you a full refund

You can TRY it out today risk-free and go through the next four weeks of coaching calls with me… devour all of the training… unlock additional millionaire blueprints… AND have your free coaching call with my team…
And then you can decide if the Millionaire Mentorship is right for you.

It’s crazy… you can literally go through everything in the next 30 days, get over $10,000 of free bonus coaching from me, and still get a full refund if you’re not 100% satisfied with the Mentorship…

If you decide the Mentorship is not for you, just give yourself a fast and easy refund by filling up the Refund Form in the community within 30 days of your purchase. No questions asked. 

And if you decide at ANY time that you don't want to be a subscriber any more, you can cancel anytime, no questions asked. 

How Can I Have Such A Powerful Guarantee?

Because the Mentorship is proven to work time and time again…

For busy moms and dads…

Broke college students…

Divorced parents running out of time…

Even people who have been stuck on lonely entrepreneur island for years…

The Millionaire Mentorship is the GREAT Equalizer.

Just imagine…

What it would be like to finally get world-class business growth experts giving you the latest sales & marketing advice without leaving the comfort of your own home or spending thousands of dollars to attend a conference…

And imagine how amazing it will be to have The Millionaire Maker Craig Ballantyne on “speed dial” for weekly coaching sessions that will give you custom blueprints for success.

How much would you pay for access to the information that will finally help you become a millionaire or multi-millionaire?

$10,000...? $20,000...?

Well, today, all you have to do is make a small investment of $97 to get started

Here's What To Do Next...

From here it's just finalizing the details and accessing your $5,000 coaching gift.

Click on the gold button below right now and let’s get this Millionaire Party started!
I can’t wait for you to be my next Millionaire Success Story.

Success Loves Speed,
Craig Ballantyne

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Who Is This For?
A: This is for every entrepreneur wanting to become a self-made millionaire. This is for the hard working business owner that does too much themselves and needs the high-income skills & systems to breakthrough to the next income level.

This is FOR YOU if you're a business owner suffering in silence on lonely entrepreneur island and who needs to find their tribe and mentor! 
Q: How Does the Millionaire Mentorship Work?
A: Once you join the Mentorship, you’ll get access to all the courses, weekly coaching, systems, skills, and blueprints you need to succeed. You’ll also have immediate access to a powerful and positive community of experts and like-minded people who want you to succeed!
Q: When Will I Receive Access to the Free $5,000 Coaching Program?
A: When you sign up today for the risk-free Mentorship, you will receive instant access to the $5,000 coaching workshop video and worksheets. When you go through the coaching, you’ll have a complete step-by-step blueprint for achieving your Million Dollar dreams.

However, please note: Upon refunding, you will lose ALL access to programs, gifts, calls, recordings, and the community.

Refunds are rare in my world… and I’ve been selling coaching, courses, training, and events for over 25 years. 

My success stories outnumber the refunds by nearly 10,000 to 1… and I’m sure your going to be my next success story… and I can’t wait to hear from you!

GET TODAY FOR $97/month

@ Early To Rise Publishing
Customer Service (800) 965-4172
1624 Market St #202-92422 Denver, CO 80202
INCOME DISCLAIMER: This website and the items it distributes contain business strategies, marketing methods and other business advice that, regardless of my own results and experience, may not produce the same results (or any results) for you. makes absolutely no guarantee, expressed or implied, that by following the advice or content available from this web site you will make any money or improve current profits, as there are several factors and variables that come into play regarding any given business. Primarily, results will depend on the nature of the product or business model, the conditions of the marketplace, the experience of the individual, and situations and elements that are beyond your control. You may make more, less or no money at all. As with any business endeavor, you assume all risk related to investment and money based on your own discretion and at your own potential expense.

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